Choose life
What it is
LaserLife®, is a unique technology to identify rotten eggs at the transfer time. With its dual sensor analysis, LaserLife® can categorize each egg as either live, dead, contaminated or clear. This detailed identification allows for the removal of non-viable eggs before incubation, improving biosecurity.
How it works
- Through careful laser analysis of the eggs, the refraction patterns are used to determine the nature of the unfertilized eggs.
- Fertile eggs are identified using heat emission analysis in addition to an infra-red scan.
- Combining dual sensor analysis, LaserLife® can categorise each egg as either live, dead, contaminated or clear. This detailed identification allows for the removal of non-viable eggs before incubation, improving biosecurity.
Equipment features
- High Speed Solution: can reach up to 100,000 eggs/hour
- Versatility: adaptable to different crate size
- Data collection system in place
Why it is so important ?
Bacterial contamination and incidence of explosive eggs increase late embryo mortality, reduce hatchability and result in poor chick quality.
LaserLife® technology allows better hatchability and chick health, by effective detection and removal of dead embryos and rotten eggs:
- Chicks with lower bacteriological challenge at hatch present a better chick quality index and better chick health status.
- Contaminated egg detection can improve hatchability between 0.5 and 1%
Learn more about egg candling analysing here.